Same Day Urgent Visits

Vanguard Rheumatology Partners offers same-day appointments for patients in need of urgent rheumatologic care. In most cases, depending on the level of care you need and the time of day when you call, you'll be seen by one of our rheumatologists that day. If you call (305) 531-6766 before noon, we’ll offer you a same-day appointment and if you call after noon, we’ll offer you an appointment for the next day.

What to Expect

We will ask you for basic identifying information, such as address, phone number and insurance carrier.

Next, we will ask you a series of questions about your symptoms to help determine the urgency of the matter. In most cases, we’ll be able to schedule the appointment with this information.

For established patients, please note that if your rheumatologist’s schedule is unable to accommodate a same-day visit, you may be seen by one of our other rheumatologists.

If you have a complex or chronic rheumatologic condition, your call may be triaged by one of our rheumatologists. This ensures that we will have adequate medical records and other information necessary to give you the best care.

It is possible that your appointment will be scheduled further out if you need an evaluation for a less-urgent or chronic rheumatologic problem.

To Make a Same Day Appointment

To make a same-day appointment with one of our rheumatologists, please call our office at (305) 531-6766.

Registration Form and Medical Records

In addition to bringing your insurance and demographic information, please also bring with you any medical records pertaining to the problem you would like evaluated by our rheumatologists, such as doctors’ notes, laboratory test reports, and results of imaging studies.

For new patients, in order to streamline the registration process, we kindly request that you complete our Registration Form, available on our Forms web page.

Next: Get a Second Opinion